Friday, September 12, 2008

Sarah Palin Interviews and Good Morning America

What what did Charlie Gibson eat before doing the interviews with Sarah Palin......he looks sour and constipated. He seem eager to twist and turn questions and her answers to do his best to trip her up. Sure, maybe he is a tough interviewer....but look at the questions he tossed underhand to Obama....
GIBSON: Do you worry that [the 2008 race] could turn on race, age and class?...

GIBSON: Is the hardest part of all this behind you or ahead of you?...

GIBSON: The picture of you in the paper, this morning, with your wife, watching the Clinton speech. What did you think of the Clinton speech?...

GIBSON: And finally your daughters. What did they say to you? Did they take it as a matter of course that Daddy could be nominated to be president? They never knew what older people know in terms of discrimination, although they may still feel some. What did they say about that?...

GIBSON: I watched closely your countenance last night, your mien, as you stood in that hall. You didn't smile much. Has the joyfulness of this hit home yet? Do you take joy from it?...

Network media is not even trying to convey an image of fairness when covering the 4 candidates.

When McCain Palin wins in November I'm sure the first thing that they (mainstream media) will be wondering is how much voter fraud was involved involved.

ABC Good Morning America will start a series of "townhall whistle stops" over Sept 15-19.

Will GMA's "Whistle-Stop Tour '08," as the network is referring to it, resemble its town hall special editions that the program produced in 2007? These shows were billed as in depth interviews with the presidential candidates that each would span an entire episode of "Good Morning America." However, there only ended up being two, one with Democrat Hillary Clinton and the other with Democrat John Edwards. In total, "Good Morning America" devoted a combined 64 minutes to Democratic contenders and zero for Republicans.

I predict another attempt to throw Republican candidates UNDER the train....

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